Will I get a software engineering job within 3 months?

May 28, 2024

You can also see this question on Manifold. Resolves YES if I receive an offer for a full-time job doing software engineering, ML engineering, and/or research engineering by September 1, 2024. Resolves NO if I do not receive an offer for a full-time job doing software engineering, ML engineering, and/or research engineering by September 1, 2024.

My plan for the next 3 months

Edit (2024/05/30): Based on feedback from my question on Manifold, I am updating my plan to be less ambitious and less broad. This means focusing on only a few projects and some simple contributions to well-known projects. Projects and contributions will be more “systems” flavored instead of “algorithms” flavored, focusing on GPU programming, model optimization, and MLOps. I will start networking now, start applying in 2 weeks, and start interviewing whenever I get interviews. Interview preparation will start now and continue for 3 months.